Tuned Bare-Metal Servers for Solana (Testnet, Mainnet, and RPC) Now Available — Opening Sale Launched

Tuned Bare-Metal Servers for Solana (Testnet, Mainnet, and RPC) Now Available — Opening Sale Launched

Tuned Bare-Metal Servers for Solana (Testnet, Mainnet, and RPC) Now Available — Opening Sale Launched

ELSOUL LABO B.V. (Headquarters: Amsterdam, the Netherlands; CEO: Fumitake Kawasaki) is pleased to announce the launch of our bare-metal servers optimized for Solana testnet, mainnet, and RPC. Drawing on our experience from operating “Validators Solutions” and “ERPC (Enhanced Solana RPC),” we have selected high-spec servers and applied the tuning expertise developed through our open-source tool SLV (Solana Validator operation tool). To mark this release, we are offering a limited-time opening sale. With robust performance, even demanding environments can be operated smoothly by both new and experienced users.

Background: Introducing Tuned Bare-Metal Servers for Solana

While Solana is a blockchain known for its high processing speed and scalability, fully leveraging its capabilities requires high-spec servers featuring high-clock-speed CPUs and well-tuned software configurations. General cloud servers or systems lacking sufficient resources often encounter issues such as node downtime or slot drops, making it difficult to maintain optimal performance.

Through our work with SLV, we have supported numerous Solana node deployments. In many cases, improper hardware configurations or suboptimal initial settings led to elusive malfunctions and repeated outages, making troubleshooting challenging. To address these issues, we thoroughly evaluate and tune our bare-metal servers before assigning them for testnet, mainnet, or RPC use—offering an environment tailored to each operational requirement.

Key Features

  • In-House Tuning Expertise from SLV Development and Operations
    We configure each bare-metal server to maximize its potential, ensuring Solana nodes maintain strong processing performance and stable operation.

  • Clearly Labeled Servers for Each Purpose
    Servers are categorized by operational intent—testnet, mainnet, or RPC—allowing you to select the optimal configuration without confusion.

  • Resilient Under Heavy Load
    Equipped with high-clock CPUs and ample memory, these servers handle peak load periods with minimal performance degradation.

Opening Sale Details

To commemorate the launch of this service, we are offering the following plans at special prices for a limited time. Since there is a finite number of servers, we encourage early applications.

  • Testnet-Focused Solana Validator Node
    Regular Price: €330/month → Opening Sale: €198/month

  • Mainnet & RPC-Focused Solana Validator Node
    Regular Price: €2150/month → Opening Sale: €1280/month

Note: Prices and availability are subject to change without prior notice. Please check our official Discord or website for the latest information and application procedures.

How to Apply

Tuned Bare-Metal for Solana

For more information regarding the opening sale and our full lineup of tuned bare-metal servers, please visit our official Discord channel below. Feel free to contact us with any inquiries you may have.

Validators DAO Official Discord: https://discord.gg/C7ZQSrCkYR

Future Outlook

Moving forward, ELSOUL LABO will continue refining node operations across various environments and expanding its global network infrastructure. By building on our accumulated knowledge and technical expertise—alongside ongoing open-source initiatives—we aim to further enrich the Solana ecosystem and support a wide range of users.

Thank you for your continued support and interest.